ABB CONTROL GEAR SPECIALISTSContactors, push buttons, lamps, legend plates, shafts, softstarters, circuit breakers, relays, switch disconnectors, enclosures, sensors, fuse gear, pilot devices, safety controllers..........a  world of control gear awaits - and with EDC as your partners, you can be sure that the panel you envisage, will be even better in reality. Complicated requirement? Space an issue? With design specialists, control gear gurus, CAD technicians and time-served wire-men there are few challenges we haven't encountered - and resolved. As the footprint of variable speed drives becomes smaller and smaller with every new model, it's become possible to 'miniaturise' panels, but this can bring with it its own problems. Our experienced electrical engineering team can advise on the best materials, ventilation and space required to enable you to maximise your power whilst making the most of your space. For more info see our control gear retrofits.