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A team from EDC Scotland Ltd was proud and excited to attend the Lord Lieutenant Awards in Glasgow this February to collect their Bronze Award as part of the Employee Recognition Scheme (ERS). The scheme is part of an initiative promoted by Lowland RFCA (Reserve Forces and Cadets Association) for... [Details]
Five drives down? Whodunnit?? When a water plant was suffering VSD breakdowns they called in the DART (Drive Analysis and Remote Telemetry) team. Could DART score a bullseye and point the finger of blame at the perpetrator of the breakdowns? With 24/7 reporting of the drive and the ambient surroundings... [Details]
Spreading the festive spirit, our EDC NE team gathered donations to what is now our annual Christmas food collection. Once ready, it was taken, not by sleigh, but by trusty EDC NE van, and two suitably dressed 'Santa's helpers' Matty Golightly and Conner, to the Trinity Methodist Church who distribute... [Details]
DART: Drive Analysis & Remote Telemetry. Welcome to the next level in predictive inverter maintenance. DART is a new ABB drive monitoring device and at EDC and EDC North East, we're proud to be part of the team who helped develop and launch it. With DART you can monitor up... [Details]
From famous castles and cathedrals, bridges and breweries to football and parmo, in Gateshead we have our very own legendary line-up! They work tirelessly in the North East, ensuring your powertrain keeps your plant in production. From ABB variable speed drives and motors to SCR air compressors, they skilfully help... [Details]
Low voltage switch and control gear? You'll find our range electrifying!
As good as it gets! You can always look on the bright side of life with the EDC engineering ‘dream team’. Our sure and steady stalwarts came together this week when both skill sets (inverters and air compressors) were needed on a customer’s plant.Like ebony and ivory they worked together... [Details]
No country for old drives... On the contrary, an old 'un can still be a good 'un, especially when it's made by ABB.ABB inverters are renowned for their longevity and can, particularly when they have been regularly serviced, last well into their teens and beyond. Don't be too hasty in writing... [Details]
Taking over the asylum... The group of EDC companies: EDC Scotland, EDC North East and EDC Air Compressors (phew - that's a lot of companies!) have banded together to become a newly established Employee Ownership Trust. "What's that?" we hear you say. Well, you can read our press release about... [Details]
Spot the difference in this picture. There's one very important one. Answer...the price of energy for industrial applications, which has more than tripled since this picture was taken in 2011. It makes the value of energy surveys all the more important.Energy surveys look at how your process is meant to... [Details]