View our half-day VSD training courses in ABB drives. View our full-day VSD training courses in ABB drives.
You can also see our first intake of 2023 variable speed drive traineers from the oil and gas industry using the demo case in our training suite.
EDC and EDC North East offer bespoke training courses in variable speed drives for all your site engineers. See our recent customer testimonial about our inverter training courses.
What are the benefits of training engineers in variable speed drives?
Often all your staff need to sort minor problems or adjust a drive programme is some basic training in vsd operation & functionality. Our courses provide access to ABB trained, fully-qualified variable speed drive service engineers - engineers who have experience of the most common on-site problems: and their solutions. Long-term benefits of training your staff include:
Less downtime - staff can interpret and resolve common faults and alarms.
Fewer call-outs - Customers with
Service Contracts can call and resolve issues over the phone, their understanding of vsd operation enhanced by their hands-on training using EDC vsd demo cases.
Better drive utilisation - Engineers and operators can adjust and modify vsd parameters to suit the application with a minimal amount of training, ensuring you get the very best level of operation from your vsd.
Course Location: Courses can be conducted in our spacious and bespoke training suite in Erskine, or at our clients' offices.
Course Duration: Both full and half-day training courses are available. Longer training courses can also be accommodated and accommodation provided if required.
Course Schedule: Schedules are tailored specifically to your requirements, but an example can be found below.
Prior to your course starting, one of our trainers will contact you to determine the skill level of the trainees and what areas of specialist training they will require.
Example course schedules:
Full day course: expected duration 9am until 4pm
Morning breakfast rolls (egg/ bacon/ lorne sausage/potato scone/ black pudding) / Tea/ Coffee/ Orange Juice/ Danish pastries
Course Materials: VSD manuals, parameter groups & settings, fault-finding hints & tips and entire course content supplied.
Training - including theory, parameters, extensive & practical fault-finding (using your own common on-site problems) & hands-on experience (via demo cases).
Question & answer session.
Lunch - hot & cold selection of snacks including: selection of filled croissants, hot sausage rolls & pies, sandwich platters, toasted sandwiches, cakes (menu varies).
Training - vsd installation, vsd commissioning, parameter setting, energy-saving applications.
Break: Tea / Coffee/ Biscuits / Pastries/ Toasted crumpets.
Training: Repair & maintenance of vsds, EMC issues, practical exercises.
Half-day morning course: expected duration 9am until 1pm
Morning breakfast rolls (egg/ bacon/ lorne sausage/ potato scone/black pudding) / Tea/ Coffee/ Orange Juice/ biscuits.
Course Materials: VSD manuals, parameter groups & settings, fault-finding hints & tips and entire course content supplied.
Training - including theory, parameters, basic fault-finding & hands-on experience (via demo cases).
Question & answer session.
Our dedicated inverter training suite with demo cases to ensure our trainees get to see actual real-life drive dilemas - and how to resolve them.
Said David Kerr, trainer & workshop/commissioning manager:
"We can offer courses on a full complement of VSDs covering the following ABB drives:- ACS 355, ACH550, ACS550, ACS580, ACQ580, ACS800 ACS880 and ACS810. Our courses are for those who want to raise their skill level or to simply find out more about the advantages of using variable speed drives.
The courses start off with a welcome introduction to EDC and tea and coffee on arrival. This helps to settle the candidates. We all know that some people get nervous when asked to complete training, but our trainers are very experienced at engaging every level of aptitude, making the candidates feel comfortable and able to enjoy the training experience. The course then starts off with the advantages and disadvantages of drives - covering the basic fundamentals on exactly how a VSD operates, this takes most of the morning. After lunch we move into training exercises with demo units. Use of these units provides candidates with confidence and experience in using actual ABB drives in a 'hands-on' situation. At the end there is a small set of questions and a practical test, so that the trainee can demonstrate his understanding of the day's training. Throughout the day there is an ongoing opportunity for an open forum, asking questions and group discussions. Most trainees find the day to be a very enjoyable experience in a relaxed atmosphere and leave keen to demonstrate their newly acquired knowledge of variable speed drives."

Drive trainees also have access to our newly built ABB ACQ580 panel, designed to enable engineers to gain an overview of pumps and tanks using live data.This mobile unit - an exact replica of a working panel - comprises of three ABB ACQ580 water drives and an HMI interface. It allows customers to see real-time flow, tank level, pressure and pump speeds - exactly the data they will be seeing in the field. As a result they get to experience 'hands-on' drive control on a functional panel and can programme the drives to run in various scenarios, changing parameters and settings. After years of training engineers in ABB variable speed drives we have found that this method of instruction yields better results than any text book training. Engineers remember far more when they are able to interact with the drives, and as a result they can put this knowledge to use immediately when they return to their own plant rooms.
Contact our training, services & commissioning co-ordinator to discuss your training requirements. tel: 0141 812 3222 or email: We will be happy to quote you for all your training requirements.
As a sage once said: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I will learn.”
Empower your engineers with hands-on variable speed drive training from EDC.
Our top-flight engineers can offer tailor-made packages for your engineers, either on site or at our premises.