DART: Drive Analysis & Remote Telemetry.
Welcome to the next level in predictive inverter maintenance. DART is a new ABB drive monitoring device and at EDC and EDC North East, we're proud to be part of the team who helped develop and launch it.
With DART you can monitor up to 16 ABB drives (we're also developing units for use with Danfoss and Siemens) from one unit. You can trend up to 25 variables and receive alerts when any metric is exceeded: temp, dust, humidity, H2S.
It's the only remote monitoring device your plant will ever need. And it's just been released onto the market after years of intensive product testing.
It's the only variable speed drive sensor to monitor the drive and its ambient conditions.
You'll find a local DART partner close to you. All of them are ABB drive Value Providers - so they really know their drives! Take a look at the new website and see how to score a bullseye for your plant room with a DART.
DART's new ABB drive telemetry website.